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New Services

Dj Outro

Dj Outro

Dibblebee will voice and produce a DJ outro with your liners and sound effects. You will receive a unique sounding Intro.


Dj Intro

Dj Intro

Dibblebee will voice and produce a DJ intro with your liners and sound effects. You will receive a unique sounding Intro.

Dj Sweepers

Dj Sweepers

A radio sweeper is a short, pre-recorded sample used by radio stations as segues between songs that give listeners a brief station identifier or promo, generally 20 seconds or less: “You’re listening to the soft sounds of [NAME] radio. Easy listening throughout the Bay Area,” for example.
Dry radio sweepers are voice only—no music or sound effects — whereas wet sweepers generally contain sound FX (also known as “sonic”, a global term for all sound effects and elements used in a sweeper.)
Sweepers are also known as liners, bumpers, radio imaging, sweeps, station imaging, stingers, IDs, idents, promos, shotguns and intros. Most sweepers will have a voice over included on the audio.

Dj Drops

Dj Drops

Integrated product or service flawless speech by professionals voice overs, choice of appropriate soundtrack, sound effects and final editing with the most up-to-date specifications for a smooth result that will be pleasant to the recipient.

Dj Outro

Dj Outro

Dibblebee will voice and produce a DJ outro with your liners and sound effects. You will receive a unique sounding Intro.


Dj Intro

Dj Intro

Dibblebee will voice and produce a DJ intro with your liners and sound effects. You will receive a unique sounding Intro.

Dj Sweepers

Dj Sweepers

A radio sweeper is a short, pre-recorded sample used by radio stations as segues between songs that give listeners a brief station identifier or promo, generally 20 seconds or less: “You’re listening to the soft sounds of [NAME] radio. Easy listening throughout the Bay Area,” for example.
Dry radio sweepers are voice only—no music or sound effects — whereas wet sweepers generally contain sound FX (also known as “sonic”, a global term for all sound effects and elements used in a sweeper.)
Sweepers are also known as liners, bumpers, radio imaging, sweeps, station imaging, stingers, IDs, idents, promos, shotguns and intros. Most sweepers will have a voice over included on the audio.

Dj Drops

Dj Drops

Integrated product or service flawless speech by professionals voice overs, choice of appropriate soundtrack, sound effects and final editing with the most up-to-date specifications for a smooth result that will be pleasant to the recipient.


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Γνωρίστε μας από κοντά και σας υποσχόμαστε ότι εκτός από τις άψογες υπηρεσίες και τις προσιτές τιμές μας, θα γνωρίσετε και ανθρώπους με μεγάλη εμπειρία, πρόθυμους να σας προσφέρουν με μια πραγματικά άψογη συνεργασία το καλύτερο δυνατό αποτέλεσμα.




Dotted Separator



Dotted Separator

<li>Customer Support 24/7</li>
<li>Lifetime Updates</li>
<li>10GB Cloud Storage</li>
<li>10 E-mail boxes</li>


Dotted Separator



Dotted Separator

<li>Customer Support 24/7</li>
<li>Lifetime Updates</li>
<li>100GB Cloud Storage</li>
<li>20 E-mail boxes</li>


Dotted Separator



Dotted Separator

<li>Customer Support 24/7</li>
<li>Lifetime Updates</li>
<li>10 TB Cloud Storage</li>
<li>100 E-mail boxes</li>
<li>Unlimited Traffic</li>


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